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Wapello County Civil War Trail

Wapello County Civil War Trail

Wapello County has several connections to the American Civil War. If you're interested in learning more about Wapello County's connections to the Civil War, you can follow this trail and visit all of these sites yourself.

Soldier in the Park: The Eddyville park is home to a monument honoring men from the area that served. The monument features a stone statue of soldier standing on top of a pillar with the names of area men listed on the sides.

Cutis King: At 80 years old, Curtis King was the oldest man to serve in the Union Army. He served in the 37th Iowa Infantry, a regiment that was known as the Graybeards as all the men serving in it were over the age of 45. His grave can be found along highway 63 near the Eddyville Road turnoff.

Civil War Wood Carving: This woo carving of a soldier stands over the Civil War section of the cemetery.

Leonidas Godley: Godley was a Union Army soldier who recieved the Medal of Honor for his actions at the Siege of Vicksburg. He is buried in Ottumwa Cemetery near the Court Street entrance.

James Gardner: Gardner was a Union Army soldier who recieved the Medal of Honor for his actions at the Battlev of Chaffin's Farm. He is buried in Calvary Cemetery.

Wapello County Soldiers Monument: Located in Central Park, this monument was erected in 1919 and features the names of over 2400 soldiers and sailors who served in the Civil War.

Agency Monument: This monuemnt, located in the cemetery in Agency features a tall pillar with a soldier standing on top. The pillar lists the names of area men who served int eh Mexican-American War and the Civil War.

John Donaldson: Donaldson recieved the Medal of Honor for his actions at the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse. He is buried at Mars Hill Cemetery.




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